independent label · music production


Frank Meyer | Roman Leykam
Feb 2018 · 14 Tracks · 69:00 Min.

CD FMA 1731
UPC 191061443056

nebbia: musikalische Aquarelle mit Tiefgang, betörend für die Seele. Feingliedrige, atmende Musik mit einer Magie aus innerer Ruhe und sanfter Kraft - entstanden aus der Interaktion zweier versierter Instrumentalisten.

01 daily rites 5:17, 02 fragments of the whole 5:49, 03 creative hostility 3:36, 04 particle zoo 5:19, 05 the uniqueness of the moment 4:33, 06 artifical vocation 5:13, 07 oddly tempting 4:10, 08 hidden peril 4:46, 09 body language 3:16, 10 aquifer 5:51, 11 auxiliary truth 4:38, 12 quietly shining 4:26, 13 casual self-observation 4:48, 14 sleeping shores 6:31;

Recorded and mixed 2014-2017 in the studios of Frank Meyer and Roman Leykam.
Mastered 2017 in the studio of Frank Meyer.
Produced and performed by Frank Meyer and Roman Leykam.
Photos by Roman Leykam, Artworks by Frank Meyer and Roman Leykam.
4-seitiges DigiPak.

Frank Meyer: electric git, electric bass, synths.
Roman Leykam: electric git, git synth.

Roman Leykam Biographie

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14 Träu­me­rei­en ha­ben Frank Meyer und Roman Ley­kam auf nebbia .. zu­sam­men­ge­tra­gen. Sie pen­deln zwi­schen New Age Mo­men­ten, Traum­land­schaf­ten a la Jon Hassell und idio­syn­kra­ti­schen Me­lo­die­schöp­fun­gen, die auch jen­seits west­lich­er Tra­di­ti­on­en ein of­fen­es Ohr ha­ben (z.B. Par­tic­le Zoo). (Till Kniola aufabwegen - 7/2018)

Ein me­di­ta­ti­ves Klang­aben­teu­er der be­son­de­ren Art er­war­tet den Hö­rer auf der neu­en CD der bei­den Klang­tüft­ler Frank Meyer (elec­tric gui­tar, e-bass, synths) und Roman Leykam (elec­tric gui­tar, gui­tar synthe­sizer). Die 14 Tracks von Nebbia lassen den Hö­rer ab­tau­chen in my­ste­ri­öse, ver­wo­be­ne, am­bien­te, rät­sel­haf­te und un­er­gründ­li­che Sound­wel­ten und Klang­skulp­tu­ren. Kopf­hö­rer an­schnal­len und die Mu­sik ein­fach auf sich wir­ken las­sen. Für Am­bient & Elek­tro­nik­freun­de ein sicher­er Tipp! (Rainer Guérich inMusic - Nr.100 3-4/2018)

... I sometimes griped about a lack of innovation ... but I have to say that this "Nebbia" includes many intriguing moments and very good tracks ...

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The title of this new collaborative album by Frank Meyer and Roman Leykam is the Italian word for 'fog', but there are not so many tracks that I'd label as 'foggy', maybe due to the habitual clarity of the sound that characterizes most of the releases coming from the imprint of Frank Mark. I sometimes griped about a lack of innovation of the sonorities explored by the label as well as other stylistic choices that could sound old-fashioned, but I have to say that this "Nebbia" includes many intriguing moments and very good tracks by this "run-in" artistic collaboration, in spite of the fact that some distinguishing marks have been kept such as the centrality of electric guitar in the line-up and a "new-ageish" coating of the sound. Even if many tracks keep on being very similar to previously composed material by these musicians, I appreciate the attempt of dusting their style down that can be perceived in many tracks over this retro mists... Lovers of supposedly mystical and meditative music (...and there are many more than someone can imagine, following the explosion of DIY or copy'n'paste religious beliefs and a rich assortment of "spiritual bundles" in the times we're living) won't really look after these details and they could appreciate it as a nourishment for the reaching of some enlightenment as they appreciate some brand new soy-based beverage or any other healthy goop, but a music reviewer can't but highlight that some outputs by these guys are excessively pleonastic and so repetitive that they could bore more demanding listeners. Fortunately, some of the sphere they forged (I'd rather match them to giant soap bubbles that explode just before the listener realize they're enveloping its aural sphere...) feature a different approach to compositions. I particularly enjoyed the ones where they added more beats (even if rhythmical patterns are quite simple) such as "Auxiliary Truth" or "Creative Hostility" as well as the ones where one of the two electric guitars dictates the pace, while the other one rambles on some melodic motif. Have a check and a comparison against other outputs by Frank and Roman. / Vito Camarretta 3/2018.

vorgestellt in Die digitale Jazz-Zeitung 14.2.2018