»HEX« ist das erste Gemeinschaftswerk von Roman Leykam, Frank Mark und Frank Meyer und zelebriert sphärische Entrücktheit und ästhetische Klangwelten. Nach und nach entdeckt man das filigrane Gewebe, das Schicht um Schicht tiefer in den Raum der eigenwilligen Musik lockt. Ein Einstieg in immer wieder neue musikalische Dimensionen.
1.sly 7:13, 2.place of refuge 5:55, 3.bracing 6:10, 4.figments of the imagination 9:24, 5.the function of dreaming 7:45, 6.the invisible bound 8:27, 7.transient world 6:34, 8.dead room 5:51, 9.fen fires 7:06;
Recorded and mixed between 2012/2014 in the studios of Roman Leykam, Frank Mark and Frank Meyer.
Mastered 2014 in the studio of Frank Meyer.
Painting by Joshua Leykam at the age of six.
Photos by Roman Leykam.
Artwork by Frank Meyer and Roman Leykam.
4-seitiges Digipak
Roman Leykam: electric guitars, guitar synths, guitar treatments, guitar drum loops.
Frank Meyer: synths, sound collages, electric guitars, electric bass.
Frank Mark: samples, programming.
Roman Leykam Biographie
... With the exception of some moments, most of the tracks on HEX are quite simple from the compositional or melodic viewpoint, but the strong point of the explorations by this trio, ...
which orbits around a mixture of cosmic Schultze-like sonorities, ethnic nuances, diluted Pink Floyd-ian space-rock, jazzy inserts and new age sonic entities - including voices of cetaceans -, is the panache of the sounds they melt as well as the refinement of many arabesques, which fully counterbalance some excessively static or predictable stuff ("Place of Refuge", "The Invisible Bound") and provides some good moments for angry eardrums such as the wisely titled "Figments of the Imagination", "Fen Fires" and "Transient World", whose simple looped melodies and general atmosphere reminded to me some stuff by first Zero 7's outputs besides above-mentioned similarities. Will it be enough to keep evil spirits away?
Rate: *** / Vito Camarretta. (CHAIN D.L.K. Oct 2015)
... HEX reveals a true passion for sounds and noises. The composition is more based upon the decomposition of sounds played by guitar, bass and synths to manipulate them by studio effects to create something new. It results in a rather abstract and definitely experimental way, but Hex is an accessible album. ...
The trio took care to compose slow rhythms, which have been mixed with different influences like jazz, tribal- and mainly psychedelic elements. Some passion for Pink Floyd is not really a surprise, but HEX sounds totally different although based upon multiple psychedelic ingredients mainly created by guitar parts. Some of the songs are a little less cinematographic as well and I mainly refer to Figments Of The Imagination, which is a rather appropriated title. This cut also reveals impressive sound manipulations. Another cinematographic-orientated passage comes through on Bracing, which I also like for the mix of lounge- and dub influences. But the psychedelic input remains the most important. I have a little preference for songs like, The Function Of Dreaming and Dead Room.
Conclusion: HEX sounds like the offspring between psychedelic music and pure experimentation. It's pretty minimal and abstract, but still pretty accessible in sound. Best songs: Figments Of The Imagination, Dead Room, The Function Of Dreaming. Rate: (DP:7)DP.
(SIDE-LINE music magazine Aug 2015)
... Spannungsbögen werden permanent aufgebaut um in Jazz-Strukturen aufzubrechen und sich an brutal kristallinen Groove-Wellenbrechern zu verlangsamen. Immer dort, wo sich ein klarer Tempi-Fortschritt zu erkennen gibt, kühlen geheimnisvoll und auf das Überraschungsmoment abzielende Electronica-Vibes den Fluss von "Hex" grandios herunter, ...
nur um im nächsten vermeintlichen Takt mit Gitarrenriffs oder sogar coolen Funk-Breaks scheinbar pompös zu werden, sich dann aber wieder in Sampleverhüllte, sphärische Geheimniskrämerei zu verziehen - eine regelrecht zerreißende Mischung, die trotz aller Haken und 180-Grad Wendungen nie an Struktur und aufgeräumter Jazz-Attitüde verliert, zugleich jedoch eher an Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Brian Eno oder Tangerine Dream denn an Herbie Hancock, Quincy Jones und Co. erinnert ... komplexes, sphärisches Instrumental-Album ein mitunter sogar gefälliges, spannend anmutendes Hörbuch, welches gänzlich ohne eine sprachliche Führung auskommt und trotzdem und vermutlich gerade deswegen das eigene Kopfkino fordert und fördert; so etwas kann nur Musik. Bravo.
(Gregor Poschoreck / SOULTRAINonline.de Aug 2015, Nr.77)
Electronic Body Ambient Mind Music der ganz besonderen Art ... Der Hörer macht die Bekanntschaft mit ungewohnten Klangmustern, sphärischen Soundskulpuren, nervöseren Beats und filigranen Rhythmuskonfigurationen. So laden Tracks wie Place Of Refuge zum Träumen und Relaxen ein. ... auf- und anregende Klanglandschaften und Samplingsplitter mit gesundem Bassfundament. Ein experimentierfreudiger Kraut-Dub-Synth-Guitar-Ambient für die Endlosschleife im CD-Player. 5 Sterne. (Rainer Guérich / inMusic Juni/Juli 2015, Nr.89
... vorgestellt in der digitalen Jazz-Zeitung 06/2015 von Joachim Holzt-Edelhagen.